List of Publications

a) Monograph

2021 — Un Coniglio nel turbante. Intrattenimento e inganno nella scienza Arabo-Islamica, Milano: Editrice Bibliografica. (Open access)

2018 ―ʿĪsā ibn ʿAlī’s Book on the Useful Properties of Animal Parts. Edition, translation and study of a fluid tradition (De Gruyter, 2018)

b) Chapters in books

(forthcoming) — “Galen’s Pharmacology in the Early Arabo-Islamic Tradition”, in Oxford Handbook of Galen, J. Laskaris, R. Rosen and P.N. Singer (eds.), Oxford University Press.

(forthcoming) — “Ink”, in Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE

c) Edited volumes

2021 ― Traces of Ink. Experiences of Philology and Replication. In Nuncius Series, Studies and Sources in the Material and Visual History of Science, Brill. (Open access)

2020 ― with Caroline Petit and Matteo Martelli, Rethinking Ancient Pharmacology. The Textual Transmission and Interpretation of Galen’s Treatise ‘On Simple Drugs’. In Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Sciences, in preparation.

d) Articles & Contributions in collected volumes

(forthcoming, 2021) ― “The Treasure of Alexander. Stories of Discovery and Authorship”. In: Education Materialized. Reconstructing Teaching and Learning Contexts through Manuscripts, eds. S. Brinkmann-G. Ciotti-S. Valente (Studies in Manuscript Cultures, De Gruyter).

(forthcoming) ― “Hermetic Waters Run Deep. The Four Alchemical Waters in The Treasure of Alexander.” In Les alchimistes grecs: recettes, doctrines, et milieu. In Nuncius.


2022 — “Maria the Alchemist and her Famous Heat Bath in the Arabo-Islamic Tradition”, in Gendered touch: women and scientific practice in early modern Europe, A. Romano, P. Savoia, F. Antonelli (eds., proceedings of the first Brill Seminar on the Material and Visual History of Science, Bologna 28-29 June 2019), 21‒39.

2022 —with M. Martelli, L. Maini, M. Marchini e M. Gandolfi, “Exploring the ancient chemistry of mercury: new insights into old recipes”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 119 No. 24.

2022 — “Simple Tables: A Note on Pharmacology in Rows and Columns”, in Nell’Officina del Filologo. Studi sui testi e I loro lettori, Biblioteca di “Galenos” 7, T. Raiola e A. Roselli (eds.), Roma: Fabrizio Serra Editore, p. 129-138.

2021 — “Minbar, Shawl or Teeth? Triangular Tables in Arabic Manuscripts”, COMSt Bulletin 7, p. 173‒195.

2021 ― “The Treasure of Alexander. Stories of Discovery and Authorship”, in Education Materialized. Reconstructing Teaching and Learning Contexts through Manuscripts, S. Brinkmann, G. Ciotti, S. Valente (eds.), Berlin: De Gruyter, 279‒314.

2021 — “Ordinary Inks and Incredible Tricks in al-ʿIrāqī’s ʿUyūn al-ḥaqāʾiq”, in Traces of Ink. Experiences of Philology and Replication, Lucia Raggetti (ed.), Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2020, 154‒191. (Open Access)

2020 — “Simples on the Trees or Medicines on the Table? A Synopsis of Galenic Pharmacology in MS Bodleian Huntington 600”, Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Sciences 70, p. 152‒175.

2020 ― “The Paradise of Wisdom: Streams of Tradition in the First Medical Encyclopaedia in Arabic”, Culturals Systems of Classification: Sickness, Health and Local Epistemologies, ed. Ulrike Steinert (Taylor&Francis/Routledge), p. 219‒232.

2019 — “Goodfeathers: Amazing Pigeons in Arabic Animal Lore”, Quaderni i Studi Arabi 14 (2019), p. 291‒310.

2019 ― “Rolling Stones Do Gather: MS Aya Sofya 3610 and Its Collection of Mineralogical Texts.” In The Emergence of Multiple-Text Manuscripts, eds. Alessandro Bausi, Michael Friedrich, Marilena Maniaci (De Gruyter, CSMC) (Open Access)

2019 ― “Ibn al-Ǧazarī’s Book on the Art of Penmanship: Inks as Instruments of Writing.” In Journal of Islamic Manuscripts 10/2, pp. 201‒239.

2019 ― “Apollonius of Tyana’s Kitāb al-ṭalāsim al-akbar (‘The Great Book of Talismans’).” In Nuncius 34, pp. 155‒182.

2018 ― “Thunders, Haloes, and Earthquakes: What Daniel Brought from Babylon into Arabic Divination”. In: Mesopotamian Medicine and Magic: Studies in Honour of Markham J. Geller, eds. Strahil Panayotov & Ludek Vacìn (Brill, Ancient Magic and Divination Series), pp. 421‒455.

2016― with Matteo Martelli, “Stone by Stone: Building the Graeco-Arabic Edition of Galen’s On Simple Drugs, Book 9.” In: COMSt Bulletin 2/1, pp. 48-58.

2016 ―Cum grano salis. Some Arabic Ink Recipes in their Historical and Literary Context.” In Journal of Islamic Manuscripts 7, pp. 294-338.

2016 ― Ad usum Delphini Salomone Bilqīs e l’upupa nella letteratura egiziana per l’infanzia”. In: La Regina di Saba. Un mito fra oriente e occidente, eds. F. Battiato, D. Hartman and G. Stabile, Archivio di Studi Ebraici, Università di Napoli “L’Orientale”, pp. 345-361.

2015 ― “The ‘Science of Properties’ and its Transmission”. In: In the Wake of the Compendia: How Technical Handbooks Reshape Early Mesopotamian Empiricism (De Gruyter), pp. 159‒176.

2014 ― “Tracing the Sources. A Rare Case of Explicit Scholarly Practice in an Arabic Manuscript Tradition”. In: COMSt News Letter 8, pp. 28-32.

2008 ― “Gli uccelli nel Kitāb al-Ḥayawān di al-Ǧāḥiẓ: fonti, tradizione, adab”. In: Quaderni di Studi Arabi 3, Nuova Serie, pp. 183-200.