December 2017 – November 2022
Non-tenured Assistant Professor in History of Science, University of Bologna, Department of Philosophy and Communication, ERC Project AlchemEast
October 2012 – November 2017
Assistantship to the Professur für Wissensgeschichte, Freie Universität Berlin (Prof. Markham Geller)
March-June 2012
DAAD scholarship at Hiob Ludolf Center, University of Hamburg (Prof. Alessandro Bausi)
PhD, with the additional qualification of Doctor Europaeus, in Near East and Maghreb: Cultural peculiarities and intercultural relations (University of Naples “L’Orientale”, awarded with a doctoral grant) dissertation title: “Kitāb Manāfiʿ al-Ḥayawān. The Book of useful properties that can be obtained from the Parts of Animals”, supervisors: Prof. Remke Kruk (Leiden) Prof. Giovanni Canova (Naples), defended on 19th April 2012
Graduate: MA in Sciences of Languages, History and Civilizations of Mediterranean and Islamic Countries (University of Naples “L’Orientale”), dissertation title: “Gli uccelli nel Kitāb al-Ḥayawān di al-Ǧāḥiẓ”
Undergraduate: BA in Languages, History and Civilizations of Mediterranean and Islamic Countries (University of Naples “L’Orientale”), dissertation title: “Creature marine immaginarie nella letteratura di mirabilia e di viaggio”
Conferences & Workshops
2022 — 31 May-1 June (University of Catania)
Convener of a panel in the Conference “Ad limina: frontiere e contaminazioni transdisciplinari nella storia delle scienze” (SISS), Saggi sulla soglia: le autorità del passato nella trasmissione della conoscenza scientifica.
2020 — 31 August-3 September (University of Bologna)
Convener of a panel in the 9th Conference of the European Society for the History of Science (ESHS), Arabo-Islamic Science and the Manipulation of Nature.
2019 ― February 28, Bologna (University of Bologna)
“Under a Cabbage Leaf – Stories of Spontaneous Generation”
2019 ―February 27 Bologna (University of Bologna)
“Ex Animalibus – The Usefulness of Animals in Premodern Science” (symposium/book launch)
2019 ― July 8-9, Bologna (University of Bologna)
“Exempla Trahunt – Specimens of Arabic and Syriac Scientific Manuscripts”
2018 ―July 12, Bologna (University of Bologna)
“Traces of Ink ― Experiences of Philology and Replication”
Conference report (COMSt Bulletin 4/2)
2019 — 7 May, London (Warburg Institute)
Rethinking Ancient Pharmacology II, with M. Martelli and C. Petit.
2017 ― September22, Rome (International workshop, British School)
“Rethinking Ancient Pharmacology. The textual transmission and interpretation of Galen’s treatise On simple drugs”.
2022 — 7-8 July (Institut für Klassische Philologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Malleable Texts, Fluid Authorships: Galenic Medicine and Late Antiquity
Participation as invited speaker, contribution’s title “The Humours and the Dyes: A Stream of Tradition in the Arabic Summaries on Urine Attributed to Galen”
2022 — 5 May (University of Bologna, AlchemEast Working Seminar )
Occult Technologies in the Islamicate World.
Participation as invited speaker, contribution’s title “The craft of talismans: Erratic blocks and technical notes”.
2021 — 16-18 June (Institut für Klassische Philologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
(Online) Tradition of Materia Medica 300 bce – 1300 ce
Participation as invited speaker, contribution’s title “Aristotle and a Gem Shop on Peacock Alley”
2020 — 9-10 November (Athens, National Hellenic Research Foundation International Digital Workshop)
(Online) Alchemy in Byzantium: A Research Field on the Rise
Participation as invited speaker, contribution’s title “Four shalt thou count! The Ps. Democritus’ Book on Elements and First Principles”.
2019 ― 2-3 December (University of Leipzig)
Bibliotheca Arabica Project Workshop Marginal Commentaries in Arabic Manuscripts
Participation as invited speaker, contribution’s title ‘Drop a Line between the Lines: Annotations and Commentaries in Arabic Scientific Manuscripts’.
2019― October 31-November 1 (Univesity of Manchester)
Conference Exploring the Syriac Galen Palimpsest
Participation as invited speaker, contribution’s title ‘Galenic Pharmacology as a Source for Abū Bakr al-Rāzī’s Book of Occult Properties (Kitāb al-Ḫawāṣṣ)’.
2019 ‒ June 28-29 (University of Bologna)
First Brill Seminar of the Material and Visual History of Science, ‘Gendered Touch – Women, Men and Knowledge-Making in Early Modern Europe’
Participation as invited speaker, contribution’s title ‘Prolegomena to… Maria the Jewess’s Alchemical Practice in the Renaissance’.
2019 ‒ June 17 (Warburg Institute, London)
ERC Project PhilAnd Workshop, Science and Craft: the relations between the theoretical and practical sides of esoteric disciplines in al-Andalus and their link with craft
Participation as invited speaker, contribution’s title ‘Abu al-ʿAlā ibn Zuhr and the ḫawāṣṣ erudition’.
2018 ― 28-29 June, Hamburg (Hamburg University)
The World of the Physiologus – Animal Stories and Representations in Oriental Manuscripts.
Participation as invited speaker, contribution’s title ‘Goodfeathers: the Amazing Pigeons in the Arabic Animal Lore’
2018 ― June 22, Castellammare (University of Naples “L’Orientale”)
International conference L’officina del lettore; isagogi, compendi, epitomi, scolî vs. commenti,
Participation as invited speaker, contribution’s title ‘Medicine is on the Table! Galen and Ibn al-Bayṭār in Tabular Form’
2018 ― May 31, Bologna (University of Bologna)
Tradizioni manoscritte nelle società musulmane premoderne, participation as invited speaker, contribution’s title ‘Philologia arabica more geometrico demonstrata’
2017 ― September 29, Berlin (BBAW)
Psychopharmaka in Ancient Greek Medicine, participation as invited speaker, contribution’s title ‘Al-Ǧawbarī: Placebo and Deception in Mamluk Cairo’
2017 ― September 29, Rome (International workshop, British School)
International workshop, Rethinking Ancient Pharmacology. The textual transmission and interpretation of Galen’s treatise On simple drugs
With Matteo Martelli, ‘Galen through the Looking-glass and What We Found There: Experiences from a Graeco-Arabic Textual Laboratory’.
2016 ― November 9-12, Hamburg
Conference at the Center for the Study of Manuscript Cultures The Emergence of Multiple Text Manuscripts
Participation as invited speaker, contribution’s title ‘Rolling stones do gather: MS Istanbul Aya Sofya 3610 and its collection of mineralogical texts’.
2016 ― September 26, Hamburg
International Conference COMSt: Looking back — Looking Ahead
Participation as invited speakers together with Matteo Martelli, contribution’s title ‘Stone by Stone: Building the Graeco-Arabic Edition of Galen’s On Simple Drugs (Book 9)’.
2016 ― June 6-7, Berlin
ERC Project BabMed Conference Cultural Systems of Classification: Sickness, Health and Local Biologies. Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Study of Medical Cultures in Anthropology and the Historical Sciences
Participation as invited speaker, contribution’s title ‘The Paradise of Wisdom. Complex Classifications in the First Medical Encyclopaedia in Arabic’.
2016 ― May 19-20, Leiden
International Conference Amulets and Talismans in the Muslim World
Participation as invited speaker, contribution’s title ‘Healing, Protecting, and Conquering: The Talismans of Alexander the Great and Apollonius of Tyana’.
2016 ― May 2-3, Paris
ERC Project SAW Conference Mistakes and the Study of Manuscripts
Participation as invited speaker, contribution’s title ‘Divinare oportet, non legere. Identification and Interpretation of Errors in Arabic Manuscripts on Natural Sciences’.
2016 ― April 28-May 1, Minneapolis
89th Annual meeting of the American Association for the History of Medicine (AAHM)
Participation as invited speaker for the panel Describing, Classifying, and Transforming Natural Substances in Ancient Sciences (Session B1), contribution’s title ‘The Kitāb al-Ḫawāṣṣ of Muḥammad ibn Zakariya al-Rāzī’.
2015 ― October 26-27, Berlin (Humboldt Universität)
Conference Galen’s Natural Philosophy
Participation as invited speaker, contribution’s title ‘Mineralogy in Simples II: Arabo-Islamic Reception’.
2015 ― July 15-18, Lisbon
Second CHAM Conference
Participation as invited speaker, contribution’s title ‘Mediaeval Arabic Mineralogy: Galen vs Pseudo-Aristotle’.
2014 ― October 10-11, Berlin (Freie Universität)
Conference Prophets, Viziers and Philosophers: Figures of Wisdom in Arabic Literature
Participation as invited speaker, contribution’s title ‘How have you learnt about this? Stories of Discovery and Authorship’.
2014 ― July 23 (Warsaw)
RAI BabMed Panel Patients and Patrons, participation as invited speaker, contribution’s title ‘Tricks to Enter the Court: An Early Mediaeval Retrospective on the Image of Power’.
2014 ― May 8-10, Hamburg
SFB 950 Workshop How can Histories of Science contribute to Manuscript Studies or How can Manuscript Studies contribute to the History of Science
Participation as invited, contribution’s title ‘Arabo-Islamic Manuscripts of Science: A Combined Approach to Structures and Contents’.
2013 ― December 17-19, Berlin
Topoi Conference The Enochic Chronotope. Comprehending immaterial causes and Physical Space: an Apocryphal Discourse
Participation as invited speaker, contribution’s title “Enoch/Idrīs as physician and Scientist in the Arabic sources. The Case of Geomancy and Authorship”.
2012 ― July 9-11, Cambridge
Eight Islamic Manuscript Conference
Participation as invited speaker, contribution’s title: ‘Editing a complex Medical Tradition: the Kitāb Manāfiʾ al-Ḥayawān of ʿĪsā ibn ʿAlī’.
2009 ― November 2-6, Addis Abeba
17th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies
Participation as speaker, contribution’s title: ‘Peoples of East Africa in a 9th century Arab writer: al-Ǧāḥiẓ Occurrences of the terms Ḥabaša, Zanǧ, Nūba and Sūdān in al-Ǧāḥiẓ’s Kitāb al-Ḥayawān’.
2021 — 12 March (University of Naples “L’Orientale”)
CeSMI’s Book Talk: Un Coniglio nel turbante – Traces of Ink.
2020 — 13 October (University of Bologna)
SeRic Seminar, Un coniglio nel turbante — Scienza e tecnica applicate all’intrattenimento e all’inganno nel medioevo arabo-islamico.
2020 — May 19 (University of Bologna, online)
Letture Filosofiche, Dipartment of Philosophy and Communication Studies, Alchimia, talismani e cacce al tesoro con Ibn Khaldun.
2019 — 13 February (University of Bologna, Dipartimento di Storia Culture e Civiltà)
Indizi e pistole fumanti: indagini e casi curiosi nella storia della scienza arabo-islamica.
2018 — 13 November, (University of Bologna)
SeRic Seminar, Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies, Segni nella natura, indizi nel testo.
2017 ― April 4 (University of Hyderabad, School of Humanities)
Daisy Picking in the Garden of Wisdom: an Anthology of Arabic Sciences and Medicine.
2016 ― November 15 (BabMed Seminar WS 16/17)
Pigeon Dots, Horse Spots and Twitching Limbs in Medieval Arabic Physiognomy.
2016 ― July 18 (Montagskolloquium des Instituts für klassische Philologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
The Book of the Useful Properties Obtained from the Parts of Animals.
2016 ― January 26 (BabMed Seminar WS 15/16, FU Berlin)
Alexander, Išrāsīm, and the Prophets: Authorship and Pseudo-Authorship in Medieval Arabic Medicine.
2015 ― November 9 (Montagskolloquium des Instituts für klassische Philologie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
The Arabic Tradition of the De simplicium medicamentorum, Book 9.
2013 ― May 25 (Third Dahlem Seminar for the History of Ancient Sciences, FU Berlin)
Common Sense in the Arabic Science of Properties.
2013 ― May 23 (BERGSAS 1. Alt-Seminar, FU Berlin)
Two Odd Cases in the Arabic Manuscript Tradition.
Awards & Fellowships
2017 ― 23 March- 7 April
Erasmus+ Mobility Grant, University of Hyderabad
2016 ―
Frauenfördermittel am Fachbereich Am Fachbereich Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften (Freie Universität Berlin) for the project ‘Art&Craft of the Arabic Book’.
2014 ―
Frauenfördermittel am Fachbereich Am Fachbereich Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften (Freie Universität Berlin), grant for manuscript research.
2014 ― January 2014
Research grant from the Ernst-Reuter- Stiftung der Freien Universität Berlin.
Other activities (Arabic manuscripts)
13-24 June 2022, Hill Monastic Manuscript Library (HMML, Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University, Collegeville, Minnesota), invited as main instructor in the course ‘Introduction to Arabic Manuscript Studies’
31 May-11 June & 9-21 August 2021, Hill Monastic Manuscript Library (HMML, Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University, Collegeville, Minnesota), invited as main instructor in the course ‘Introduction to Arabic Manuscript Studies’
10 June 2019, London (British Library) participation to the session “Arabic scientific manuscripts” (instructor: Dr. B. Hallum) in the frame of the Summer School of Paleography.
19-23 March 2012 ― selected participant to the workshop “Arabic Manuscript Studies” by Prof. Adam Gacek, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
2010-2014, Research Networking Program COMSt (Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies) Participation as corresponding member.
― “Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies: Results and Outlook”, Hamburg 18-20 March 2014
― “Oriental Textual Traditions and 21st-cent. Philology: New Challenges”, Leuven, 5-7 September 2011
― “Specific Issues in Oriental Philology”, Athens, 8-9 December 2011
― “Book Materials in Oriental Cultures”, Pisa, 26-27 November 2010
― “Textual Criticism of Oriental Manuscripts”, Leuven, 25-26 October 2010
― “Cataloguing Projects of Oriental Manuscripts: Evolution of Descriptive Criteria”, 2010, September 22-23, Uppsala.
― “Digital Support for Manuscript Analysis”, 2010, July 23-24, Hamburg